Thursday, April 26, 2007

Buble - Coffee shop ...

The best coffee experience that i ever had...
just tonight...
a few minutes ago...
so refreshing...
opening my mind up...
thanks to you my friend...
even you sit there...
least a meter from me...
but i don't know how can i say thanks to you...
i can't even say it in simple word...
i just say it in my heart...
God... my Lord...
thanks for giving me this night...

No one can understand the truth until he drinks of coffee's frothy goodness.
~Sheik Abd-al-Kadir~

wanna visit Buble ... ??? click here first ... !!!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Motorola W220

akhirnya aku bawa HP lagi...
syukur alhamdulillah...
semoga bisa bermanfaat...

bukan tipe canggih yg high-end gitu lah...
tapi juga gak jelek-jelek banget koq...
yang jelas pas banget...
modelnya... harganya...

unnecessary link my cellphone overview


Monday, April 23, 2007

shit sad story...

kasih tinggalkanlah diriku tuk selamanya....
biar ku sendiri...
cukup bagi diriku...
melukai hatimu...

kasih tinggalkanlah diriku tuk selamanya....
biar ku sendiri...
mungkin kau akan bahagia...
dengan dia...

(salahkah by Tompi)

why it's all happened to me...
if my heart is just like a cloth...
it's already torn...
for many time...
cuz many hurt...
I just mend it for all over the time...
why keepin' this feeling is very hard...

I've known that there is a lie behind the truth...
but I belive that there is a truthful thing
that deserve to be expected more... and more...
I just hope... and hope... only hope...


Saturday, April 14, 2007

my dream comes further...

Bad news... bad news... bad news...!!!

After i knew that in April 16th i've to subscribe my registration for my final exam...
And for that, i need to finished the first until the third chapter of that...

I know that it may be postphoned, my graduation...!!!
:(( 3x

You may expect that it's all my fault...
but really... I just don't have time to doing that...


Friday, April 6, 2007


for the third time...
i've lost my cell-phone again...

it's going to be impossible,
cause it always stolen from my own house in malang.

just one question...
why me...???

Btw, i'll get my number back from the provider...
so, for all my friends...
please keep my number, okey...!!!

But, i'm so sorry if you're calling me then...
and i can't recognize your ID cause i've lost all my phonebook too...
